Tell me something about yourself

Many people fail to prepare for this question since it appears to be simple, yet it is critical. Here's how it works: Don't reveal your entire work (or personal) history. Instead, make a pitch—one that is succinct and appealing, and that clearly demonstrates why you are the best candidate for the job. Give a brief description of your present position, including the scope and potential one major accomplishment, then include some background on how you got there and any relevant experience you have. Finally, explain why you desire — and are ideal for — this role.

 A simple and effective formula for structuring your response present, once, unborn. 

  Present Talk a little bit about what your current part is, the compass of it, and maybe a big recent accomplishment. 

 History Tell the canvasser how you got there and/or mention former experience that’s applicable to the job and the company you’re applying for. 

 Unborn Segue into what you’re looking to do next and why you’re interested in this gig (and a great fit for it, too). 

 This isn’t the only way to make your response, of course, and you can tweak it as you see fit. However, for illustration, you might decide to start with that “ history” story and also get into what you’re doing in the present, If there’s a particularly potent story about what brought you into this field. 


 Whatever order you pick, make sure you eventually tie it to the job and the company. “ A good place to end, it's to give a transition of this is why I’m thin,” Dea says. You want to be absolutely certain your canvasser is left with the print that it “ makes sense that (you’re) sitting then talking to me about this part.”